Empowering Bullhead City: Desert Juggernauts' Triathlon & Youth Programs

Join us year-round for training designed for every age and skill level. Whether you're into sports or exploring new interests, Desert Juggernauts has the program for you!

Grade Levels
5 - 12th
$0 - 375
12 - No Age Limit
5AM, 6AM, 7AM, 5PM
Empowering Youth

Desert Juggernauts seeks sponsors to support young athletes and provide scholarships for their academic success.

Building Stronger Communities

By partnering with local businesses, Desert Juggernauts aims to promote sports and provide essential school supplies to students in need.

Supporting Student Success Through Athletics

Desert Juggernauts is committed to helping students thrive through sports programs and educational grants.

Investing in Tomorrow's Leaders

Sponsorships help Desert Juggernauts provide opportunities for young athletes to excel both on the field and in the classroom.

Desert Juggernauts is dedicated to supporting young athletes in Bullhead City by seeking sponsors for their mini triathlon and collaborating with local schools to promote sports that enhance student well-being.

The program aims to provide school supplies, offer scholarships, and create opportunities for students to excel both athletically and academically, making a lasting impact on the community.

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